Assisted Living Facilities: Pitfalls To Avoid When Choosing A Home For Your Loved One

Choosing an assisted living facility, like Stonehill Care Center, for a loved one can be overwhelming if you consider all the many factors involved. How do you know that the choice you and your loved ones make is the right one? Here are some common pitfalls to avoid when choosing the right assisted living facility for that special family member.

Mistake #1: Having an unrealistic perspective of assisted living

No one wants to deal with the fact that aging is taking its toll on your loved one. Yet, you need to be realistic about specific needs that are clear now and could become a need in the future. Just because your family member seems strong and healthy now, consider possible future concerns and make sure your choice facility can accommodate your loved one for the rest of his or her life.

It would be wise to speak to your loved one's physician and compare that information with the assisted living facility before making your final decisions. This will help you avoid having to move your family member to various facilities, which can cost a lot of money and compromise his or her mental and physical health.

Mistake #2: Judging a book by its cover

This old saying rings true for many things, especially when it comes to choosing an assisted living facility. Just because a facility appears to have nice furniture, landscaping, and decor doesn't mean its the best place for your loved one. A higher price doesn't always equal the best care available. During initial visits to the facility, try to talk to current residents or their families about their experience.

Also you pay close attention to the staff to make sure they are cheerful, compassionate, and competent in their job. Some facilities even allow you to stay over night to get a feel for the atmosphere and available care. The key is to take your time to choose the right place, not seek a quick but mediocre resolution for your loved one's living arrangements.

Mistake #3: Considering your needs over the needs of your loved one

When choosing the facility that is right for your loved one, keep one thing in mind: he or she will live there - not you. Sometimes, a family member is too ill or suffering from dementia and is unable to participate in the choosing of a facility. However, you know the personality, interests, and preferences of that person. For example, if your parent comes from a small comfortable home, choosing a lavish facility may not be the way to go. Just because it seems nice to you doesn't mean your family member will be happy.

Mistake #4: Making proximity the top priority

In most cases, an adult child wants to choose a facility that is in close proximity to allow for frequent visits. But, that's not always the best choice. Every day visits aren't always possible, and with a daily connection to family, a loved one may have a hard time participating in activities at the facility. Choose a facility because it has an active schedule, not because it's just down the road.

Your family member has helped shape your life in so many ways. It's extremely important to take your time, view all options carefully, and keep your precious loved one at the forefront of your mind when choosing an assisted living facility.
