The nervous system is the body's internal communication system. It allows a person to react quickly and efficiently to changes in their environment, both internal and external. The brain, spinal cord, nerves, and the five sense organs are all components of one's nervous system.
Nervous system disorders make up a wide variety of conditions that affect the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves. Each system serves a different purpose, but together they work to send messages between the body's organs and its central nervous system — the brain and spinal cord.
Screening tests can help you stay healthy and live a long life. If you have precancerous cells in your body, these tests will detect them early and prevent cancer development. Doctors recommend tests regularly, especially for people with a history of colon polyps. This article discusses three types of colon cancer screening tests you should know.
1. Colonoscopy
A colonoscopy is a common form of colon cancer screening. It involves using a long, thin tube with a camera and light on it to look at the large intestines.
If you suffer from hearing loss and currently use a hearing aid, then you may have heard of cochlear implants for hearing loss. If you wonder how they work if they are right for you, read on to learn the answers to frequently asked questions. This way, you'll learn more about these devices and their benefits.
How Does a Cochlear Implant Differ From a Hearing Aid?
Hearing aids for hearing loss are typically small, discreet devices placed inside of the ear temporarily when needed.
Whether you're caring for your first baby or you're an experienced parent, it isn't always clear when a newborn needs to see a doctor. Issues that aren't typically a concern in older children are often more serious in small infants.
While you should always call an experienced pediatric care doctor when you aren't sure if your baby needs medical attention, here are a few signs that your newborn should see a pediatrician.
Colorectal cancer can cause problems throughout your body, especially the digestive system. You may experience symptoms before you receive a diagnosis. While many people can go years before they notice anything, some have symptoms right away. Continue reading to learn more about how colon cancer can affect your body and the importance of colon cancer screening.
How Colon Cancer Affects the Body
Colon cancer, like its name says, affects the colon.