3 Common Foot Problems

Foot issues can impact anyone at any time in their life, and depending on the severity can range from a mild annoyance to something that makes day-to-day living difficult. There are a number of common foot problems that can give you trouble, and you should know a few of the most common foot problems.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails occur when the side of the toenail grows into the skin on your toe, and ingrown toenails most often occur on your large toe. Ingrown toenails can result in swelling, pain, sensitivity, redness and, if the problem gets bad enough, infection.

Ingrown toenails can be caused by a number of different things. Genetic factors can make you more prone to getting ingrown toenails, but they can also be caused by your posture, the way that you walk, tight socks or tight shoes. Ingrown toenails can also be caused by cutting the toenail improperly. You should visit a podiatrist for your ingrown toenail problem if you are experiencing severe pain or notice that your toenail is infected. 

Toenail Fungus

Tiny bits of fungus can penetrate your toenails through small breaks or cracks in your toenail, eventually spreading throughout the toenail and causing problems. As the fungus penetrates your nail more deeply, you might start to notice the signs of a fungal infection. Your toenail might start to become discolored, brittle, and thicken up. Your toenail might also began to take on a yellowish hue. 

You can try to treat the problem at home by keeping your feet clean, wearing properly fitted shoes and socks, and using powder to keep the feet dry, but if the problem seems to get worse or isn't going away, you should consult with the podiatrist. A podiatrist can give you prescription nail polish that you can apply to your infected nail, oral anti-fungal drugs, or an anti-fungal cream that you can rub on your toes. 

Plantar Fasciitis 

Plantar Fasciitis is caused by inflammation of the band that connects the heel bone to the base of the toe. It manifests as heel pain and can hurt even when you aren't on your feet. It can be caused by walking or running for long periods of time, poor shoe support, or become active after living a sedentary lifestyle. You should visit the podiatrist for treatment for plantar fasciitis if you can't handle the discomfort that it causes. 

If you are suffering from one of the above foot problems, or from any other foot problem, you should visit a podiatrist right away. Podiatrists have the skills and training necessary to rectify any of your foot issues so that you can regain your health and not have to worry about the problems plaguing your feet anymore. 
