High pollen counts can leave someone with seasonal allergies feeling miserable. For some, the allergic reaction is temporary and only lasts for a few days. For others, the struggle goes on for several weeks before they experience any relief. To help you get through the season, here are some tips for handling your allergies.
Remove Your Clothes and Shoes
As you move around outside throughout the day, your clothes and shoes are picking up pollen and other seasonal allergens. As a result, you can inadvertently track allergens throughout your home. To avoid this, as soon as you get home, take off your clothes and shoes. To keep the allergens from spreading, consider keeping a hamper or plastic bag near the door so you can place the clothes inside.
Take Medications as Soon as Possible
Allergy medications work best when you take them as early as possible. If you start taking medications at the first sign of illness, you could wind up with less need to keep your symptoms in control.
Seasonal allergies can usually be treated with over-the-counter decongestants. However, if you do not get relief, visit your doctor. He or she can prescribe medication, such as fluticasone nasal spray, to alleviate your symptoms. A nasal spray from a company such as Dymista will help to relieve a stuffy nose and the itchiness associated with allergies. Prescription-strength nasal spray is also longer lasting than the over-the-counter ones.
Get Some Sleep
Seasonal allergies can be draining. Symptoms from an allergic reaction can make it difficult to get quality sleep. Poor sleeping can also mean that your body has trouble building up the energy to fight off seasonal allergies. Not only will you be more susceptible to the symptoms of an allergic reaction, but you will also be vulnerable to other seasonal conditions, such as a cold.
It can sometimes seem impossible to get the sleep you need, but it is important to do so. To increase the chances of getting a good night's sleep, focus on keeping the indoor air clean. For instance, avoid lying in the bed after coming from outside. Wait until you have showered to remove the pollen from your skin. You also need to use a dehumidifier. Moisture in the air can be a breeding ground for allergens.
Consult with your allergy specialist if you are still not getting relief from seasonal allergies. He or she can assess your condition and make treatment recommendations. The allergy specialist can also determine if your symptoms are possibly the result of another underlying condition.