Several Misleading Notions Regarding Rhinoplasty Procedures

There are many different cosmetic procedures that a person could undergo, and rhinoplasty is one of the more common. However, potential rhinoplasty patients must have a strong understanding when it concerns commonly believed fallacies about this surgical procedure.

Myth: Rhinoplasty Is Strictly For Cosmetic Benefits

While rhinoplasty is considered a cosmetic procedure, it is important to note that it can also provide patients with functional benefits as well. For example, it is possible for the surgeon to reconstruct the shape of the nasal passages so that the patient will have improved breathing. The exact way that a rhinoplasty procedure will benefit you can vary based on the unique contours of your nasal features, but your surgeon will be able to provide you with guidance about what to expect from your rhinoplasty procedure.

Myth: Rhinoplasty Is A Simple Procedure For Experienced Cosmetic Surgeons

While rhinoplasty is a fairly common procedure for patients to go through, this can lead to the false notion that it is a simple procedure. In fact, rhinoplasty is one of the more difficult procedures for a surgeon to do because it can be difficult to modify the shape of the nose while retaining a natural appearance. For this reason, it can be common for your surgeon to require numerous visits with you prior to undergoing this procedure. These visits are necessary so that they can study the contours of your face and nose. In many instances, the surgeon may use sophisticated computer models to show the results of various surgery approaches.

Myth: Recovering From A Rhinoplasty Will Be Extremely Painful And Lengthy

Following any type of surgical procedure, you will need to make sure that you take your healing and recovery very seriously. Unfortunately, many people make the assumption that recovering from a rhinoplasty procedure will be extremely painful and last for many weeks.

Fortunately, your doctor will be able to prescribe medications that will reduce the pain and swelling that you experience from the rhinoplasty. However, you will likely need to wear a nose-splint for about a week. This split will help to limit swelling and provide support for the nose. While this split may not be a fashionable accessory, the support it provides your nose will be essential for ensuring that the surgery achieves the desired results. When patients fail to wear this splint, swelling and gravity can cause the newly formed nose to droop or become crooked. For more information, contact experts in your area, such as William M. Parell, MD, PSC.
