Any type of surgery that is minimally invasive is going to have additional benefits over the traditional form of that surgery. This is true for spinal deformity surgery, too. And some of these benefits are obvious, such as not having to spend as much time in the hospital after the surgery. But for spinal surgery, the benefits are much more extensive than just reducing hospitalization time. You may not have realized just how much better the minimally invasive version can be.
Smaller Risk of Infection
Because minimally invasive surgery touches less of you – the opening is smaller, the muscles affected are fewer, and the part of your spine involved is usually smaller — there are fewer chances for infection to occur. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons points out that in traditional spinal surgery, more of your back muscles are involved (longer incisions mean more cuts through muscle), so this isn't just a skin-surface concern.
Potentially Better Success Rate
Traditional spinal surgery success rates are all over the map, depending on the sources you check. Even the Mayo Clinic notes that back surgery doesn't have that good a track record. However, minimally invasive spinal surgery has shown better success rates — much better, as a large majority of the surgeries accomplish their goal. Yes, there is always a chance with any surgery that it won't work. But with minimally invasive surgery, your chances of the surgery working go way up.
Shorter Recovery Time
It shouldn't be a surprise that minimally invasive spinal surgery is going to require a shorter hospital stay than traditional spinal surgery. But the recovery time may be shorter, too. Not only is there less of a surgical scar to heal, but less of your spine has been put through what's really a traumatic procedure. Plus, as your body has less to do to heal your skin, it has more immune-system resources to send to your spine (that's obviously oversimplifying the healing process, but it's essentially what happens). There is less overall for your body to do to heal, so the recovery time is shorter. Total recovery from minimally invasive spinal surgery is measured in weeks rather than months.
If you've had a chronic back problem like a spinal deformity, and you find that surgery is your only option, always choose minimally invasive when possible. You'll have a much easier time recovering, and your chances of success are much greater, making the surgery worth your time.
Speak to a medical representative to learn more about minimally invasive spine deformity surgery.