A Guide to Understanding Phase I and Phase II Clinical Trials of Medications

In recent years, there have been many new prescription medications that have become available. In addition, there have also been a lot of medications that used to be available only by prescription that can now be sold over the counter. However, in order to evaluate the risks, benefits, and safety of each new medication, extensive research is required, and four phases of clinical research are necessary. If you have ever seen an ad in the newspaper or on television about the need for volunteers to participate in clinical trials and thought that doing so might be a good idea, the following information about the first two types of clinical research will be very helpful.

Physical Therapy For Shoulder Tendonitis: Three Phases To Healing (And What To Expect)

If you have experienced shoulder pain due to repetitive motion stress or a sports injury, your physician may have diagnosed you with shoulder tendonitis. Simply put, this condition causes pain and inflammation of the tendons in the affected shoulder, as well as mobility issues. If your discomfort doesn't subside after a period of rest, your doctor may prescribe physical therapy. There are several methods your physical therapist may utilize to help reduce the pain and inflammation, as well as help you regain mobility and range of motion.

Considering A Nursing Career? Become A CNA First! Here's Why

If you are in high school and are thinking about becoming a nurse after graduation but you aren't sure, it may be in your best interest to become a certified nursing aide (CNA) first. Here's why and how it will help further your career as a licensed practical nurse (LPN) or registered nurse (RN) in the future if you do decide to continue your education in the health field. Get up close and personal as a CNA

Don'T Fall For These Three Myths About Colonoscopies

Colonoscopies are screening test used to detect colon cancer, but many people don't undergo this recommended procedure. Myths about the procedure contribute to the reluctance to undergo colonoscopies. Here are three myths that you should not believe about colonoscopies. Colonoscopies are painful During your exam, your doctor will insert a long device known as a colonoscope into your rectum. This device is long enough to examine your entire colon, so you may imagine that this investigation would be very painful.

3 Benefits Of Ayurvedic Therapy

Ayurvedic therapy is a type of therapy that has been practiced for thousands of years in India. Ayurvedic therapy is a type of holistic therapy, which means it is focused on whole body healing, healing the mind, body and spirit. If you are suffering from a chronic illness, anxiety, or just feel unwell, then you might want to look into ayurvedic therapy. There are a few tangible benefits of ayurvedic therapy that you should be aware of.