
Why Your Lawyer Might Work with a Catastrophic Injury Merit Screening Consultant

If you have found a lawyer who you want to hire to help you with your personal injury case, then you might assume that your lawyer will handle your case on their own. In addition to working with their own legal team from their office, however, there is a good chance they will reach out to others to help them with your case, too. For example, they might reach out to a catastrophic injury merit screening consultant.

Home Oxygen Therapy: Benefits You'll Enjoy

When you're struggling with lung, respiratory, or oxygen absorption issues, your doctor may prescribe the use of oxygen at home. When you're prescribed oxygen at home, you'll be given regular deliveries of liquid oxygen tanks or an oxygen concentrator to use. Make sure that you follow your doctor's instructions for whichever treatment method you were given so that you can get the best possible benefits from the therapy. Here's a look at some of the ways that home oxygen treatment might help you.

Fifth Disease Outbreak At Your Child's Daycare?

If your young child attends daycare during the COVID pandemic, you may have already prepared yourself for the possibility of an outbreak of COVID in the daycare facility. But COVID isn't the only virus that can spread easily through children. Several other viral infections can as well, such as fifth disease. If you've been informed that there is an outbreak of fifth disease at the daycare facility, you likely have a few questions regarding what fifth disease is, what to expect, when you should take your child to a pediatrician, and when your child can return back to daycare.

5 Signs It's Time To See A Nervous System Specialist

The nervous system is the body's internal communication system. It allows a person to react quickly and efficiently to changes in their environment, both internal and external. The brain, spinal cord, nerves, and the five sense organs are all components of one's nervous system. Nervous system disorders make up a wide variety of conditions that affect the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves. Each system serves a different purpose, but together they work to send messages between the body's organs and its central nervous system — the brain and spinal cord.

3 Types Of Colon Cancer Screening Tests You Should Know

Screening tests can help you stay healthy and live a long life. If you have precancerous cells in your body, these tests will detect them early and prevent cancer development. Doctors recommend tests regularly, especially for people with a history of colon polyps. This article discusses three types of colon cancer screening tests you should know. 1. Colonoscopy A colonoscopy is a common form of colon cancer screening. It involves using a long, thin tube with a camera and light on it to look at the large intestines.